Building & Construction
Artificial Intelligence

We offer services to help you implement

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We implement Artificial Intelligence to suit your business needs

Implementing AI services in the construction and building industry can significantly enhance efficiency, safety, and overall project management. Here’s a detailed description of services we can offer to construction and building companies for implementing AI solutions:

NOTE: Results are entirely dependant on the use cases requested, often these require ongoing iteration to achieve the desired outcomes over time.

1. AI-Powered Project Management
- Automated Scheduling: Implement AI tools that can automatically generate and adjust project schedules based on real-time data, resource availability, and project progress.
- Predictive Analytics: Use AI to predict project outcomes, identify potential delays, and optimize resource allocation. This helps in proactive decision-making and risk management.
- Document Management: AI can automate document management, ensuring that all project documentation is organized, easily accessible, and up-to-date.

2. AI-Enhanced Design and Planning
- Generative Design: Utilize AI algorithms to explore a wide range of design options based on specified constraints and requirements. This can lead to innovative and optimized building designs.
- Building Information Modeling (BIM): Integrate AI with BIM to enhance design accuracy, detect clashes, and improve collaboration among stakeholders.
- Site Analysis: Use AI to analyse site conditions, including topography, soil quality, and environmental factors, to inform better planning and design decisions.

3. AI for Safety and Compliance
- Safety Monitoring: Implement AI-powered surveillance systems that can monitor construction sites in real-time, identify safety hazards, and alert workers and supervisors to potential risks.
- Compliance Checks: Use AI to automate compliance checks, ensuring that all work meets regulatory standards and industry best practices.
- Wearable Technology: Integrate AI with wearable devices to monitor worker health and safety, providing real-time alerts for issues such as fatigue, heat stress, or exposure to hazardous conditions.

4. AI-Driven Construction Automation
- Robotics and Drones: Deploy AI-powered robots and drones for tasks such as site surveying, material handling, and inspection. This can improve efficiency and reduce the need for manual labour.
- 3D Printing: Implement AI-driven 3D printing technology for constructing building components, reducing waste, and speeding up the construction process.
- Autonomous Equipment: Use AI to control autonomous construction equipment, such as excavators and bulldozers, for tasks that require precision and consistency.

5. AI for Cost Management
- Cost Estimation: Use AI algorithms to analyse historical data and generate accurate cost estimates for new projects. This can improve budgeting and financial planning.
- Procurement Optimization: Implement AI to optimize procurement processes, ensuring that materials are purchased at the best prices and delivered on time.
- Financial Forecasting: Use AI to forecast project costs and cash flow, helping companies manage their finances more effectively.

6. AI-Enhanced Maintenance and Operations
- Predictive Maintenance: Implement AI systems that can predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance before issues arise, reducing downtime and repair costs.
- Facility Management: Use AI to optimize facility management tasks, such as energy consumption, space utilization, and maintenance scheduling.
- Asset Tracking: Implement AI-powered asset tracking systems to monitor the location and status of tools, equipment, and materials in real-time.

7. AI for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Client Communication: Use AI chatbots and virtual assistants to handle client inquiries, provide project updates, and schedule meetings.
- Customer Insights: Implement AI to analyse customer data and provide insights into client preferences, helping companies tailor their services to meet client needs.
- Sales and Marketing: Use AI to optimize sales and marketing efforts, including lead generation, customer segmentation, and targeted advertising.

8. Training and Support
- AI Training Programs: Offer training programs to educate employees on how to use AI tools and technologies effectively.
- Technical Support: Provide ongoing technical support to ensure that AI systems are functioning correctly and that any issues are promptly addressed.
- Consulting Services: Offer consulting services to help companies identify the best AI solutions for their specific needs and develop a roadmap for implementation.

By offering these AI services, we help construction and building companies improve their efficiency, reduce costs, enhance safety, and deliver higher-quality projects.

Please see an example of Asta Powerprojects AI service 'AstaGPT' below, which is a trained AI tool using Powerproject user documentation:


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The Project Professionals, Elecosoft, Powerproject and AI

Our team are at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence specifically in the Building and Construction industry, Asia Pacific, from Australia to New Zealand we have continued to take Elecosoft's products to the next level in solutions.
In the following years to come, 2024 and 2025 will be pivotal to industry adoption of Artificial Intelligence and services related to servicing the construction and trades industries. If you or your team have any questions around how you could best implement AI in your business, just ask today!

Client Feedback

Using Powerproject, we had the evidence to prove what the likely outcome of different scenarios would be rather than just saying what was likely to happen. It helped to improve co-operation and communication, as everybody bought into it.

Andew McTavish


  • Deliver better projects by planning your next project in a tool designed for construction, infrastructure, and related industries.
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  • Drawing and linking tasks for critical path analysis and assigning codes, calendars, resources, and costs can all be done intuitively from within the Gantt chart, to rapidly develop your plan.

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